
Another Two Furry Cute Tales in Time For Christmas.

Vickianne Caswell has completed another two delightful children's picture books in the "Freckles the Bunny Series" and released them both just last month in time for the Christmas holiday season.

Book 3: Freckles Lends a Paw. Freckles lends a Paw

Book 4: Freckles and The True Meaning of Christmas. Freckles & the True meaning of christmas

The illustrations are beautifully created by Anastasia Drogaitseva and are in keeping with the original wonderful character designs from the first two books.

In Freckles Lends a Paw we meet both old and new characters who come together to help teach Freckles and children everywhere yet again another valuable lesson. This time we learn the value of friendship and trusting in oneself and others instead of allowing fear to rule our lives. Fear of the unkown, fear of rumours, and fear of bad behaviours, all are easily overcome when you work together.

We meet poor old grumpy Mr Loppity who is accussed of not liking children very much and of being a mean old wizard. The children pick on him and throw things at his house making him even grumpier (understandably). When Freckle's mum finds him injured and comes to his rescue the children quickly learn Mr Loppity is perhaps not so frightening after all.  Fun antics in the house ensue as the friemds soon learn that to help others is far more rewarding than at first it may appear.

Freckles and The True Meaning of Christmas is a timely reminder that it is the giving not the receiving that is important before, on Christmas day and after. Without giving too much away, in this delightful Christmas tale we are invited to meet not just the brothers and sisters of Freckle's friends but their entire families as they extend love and Christmas cheer, spreading good and helping around their community. Each family member gets involved one way or another to find the true spirit of giving their time and effort to those more in need.

Vickianne has found a truley inspirational way to write a story to thank those amongst us in the community who volunteer their time  as well as to subtly suggest to others the significance of giving and sharing such a valuable comodity as spending time helping others.

These two gorgeous books along with the origininal two, Book one: Freckles is Scared of School Freckles the Bunny Series, Book # 1: Freckles is Scared of Schoo

and Book Two: Freckles and The Less Fortunate

Freckles the Bunny Series, Book # 2: Freckles and the Less Fortuwould be the beginning of a wonderful collection for young children of pre-school and early reading years. For a review on these two fabulous books please refer to my earlier review Hop on intoTwo Furry Cute Reads, posted June 11, 2013. They are all easily read aloud and would be enjoyed at bedtime or in the classroom. Each have great discussion topics for lessons in their own right, making lessons plans for teachers easy to develop.. Teachers and parents alike could not go wrong. I could not recommend these more.

I'd rate these books 5 out of 5 gold stars.. 5 gold stars

If You Have Never Read Good Horror Now is The Time

If You Have Never Read Good Horror Now is The Time.

Horror, spooky and spine tingling scary stories are not my usual choise of genre to read as I snuggle down to bed each eveing, but sometimes it is just as good to find yourself out of your comfort zone in a different style of book as it is in other more energetic activities.

Yvonne Mason gifted me two hard copies of "Satan's Holiday" as a thank you for my contribution to the anthology. As I read the chilling stories within I became even more honoured to be included amongst such incredibly creative authors. Some of the stories are so creepy you'll find yourself glancing over your shoulder or leaving on a night light,..... just to be safe! Satan's Holiday cover0001

One had such a great twist I didn't see coming that I re-read the story with delight once the truth was revealed.  Another almost brought me to tears, it was written with great intrigue and historical facts but also with tenderness and sincerity. Set in ancient Scotland in the early days of Samhain I found this story fascinating especially as I am always captivated by all things to do with my Celtic heritage. I would love to tell you more about this amazing story but no "spoilers" here! :)

This is not a book for the faint hearted and certainly not for children. Even though by choice I am a Children's author, I wrote my ghost story to challenge myself in an alternative genre and am pleased it has been so well received. "A Renovator's Delight" won its first award in an online writng competition for Halloween in 2012 and is now published in this amazing anthology alongside so many other inspirational wonderfully frightening short stories. Renovators Delight Picture0001

If you are interested in a good spooky Halloween this year, or a great scare any other time of the year, why not give "Satan's Holiday" a might just be surprised!

Available as an ebook at

For hard copies please contact me directly.