
Tea for Two or Maybe More.

IMG_0329Kids love any excuse for a tea party. My neighbour's kids think it's wonderful when I invite them over for High Tea. We go all out using my special china and make lots of tiny sandwiches and cakes. I try to make the tea party a memorable treat as if they were at high tea at an exclusive restaurant, something like High Tea at the Queen Victoria Building in Sydney. It's a delight to watch the expressions on the faces of everyone concerned. I don't feel you need a reason to hold a tea party, they are a great idea with kids at any time. However you can use it as a prompt for reading and story writing. There are plenty of children's books on the market that include tea parties in their plots. The most classic one that comes to mind is Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland." A Mad Hatter's tea party is the obvious choice.

That being said, this being the month of March where we turn our thoughts towards St Patrick's Day, Leprechauns and all things green, why not read a few Leprechaun tales and hold a "Green" or "Rainbow" tea party.

httpThe Leprechaun Who Loved Yellow://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B007KFXGM2/ref=s9_simh_bw_p351_d0_i3?pf_rd_m=ANEGB3WVEVKZB&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-3&pf_rd_r=0699PZZET7QNHQK14WJ7&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=218163269&pf_rd_i=2496751051

"The Little Leprechaun Who Loved Yellow"  is a perfect choice as a children's picture book to read out loud together at bedtime or in the classroom. Within the pages are plenty of conversation starters for use during your tea party. A few topics for discussion could include being true to yourself, your uniqueness, building self-esteem, feelings and emotions, not to mention all the magnificent colours of the rainbow and where in nature you may find them.

In some ways "The Little Leprechaun Who Loved Yellow" shares a very similar message to my own

Copyright Sandra Bennett and Dianna Budd

picture book "Emma the Eager Emu" who through her tenacity to never give up eventually learns the importance of her very own special and unique qualities.

If you are using the story in the classroom and incorporating it with a tea party, a suggestion is to elicit the help of class buddies. If your school uses the buddy system you know what I mean. An older class of kids are paired with your younger group of kids for various activities. There are two activities I suggest here as ideas towards your classroom resources.

  1. After reading the story together, the older group of children can use it as a writing prompt to write a story perhaps that includes inviting a Leprechaun to tea. You might give them a list of words that they must use in their story. eg: Leprechaun, tea party, rainbow, tree, cup cake. The younger group of children can draw a picture that includes the five suggested items above and try to write a one line description/story. Both groups can come together and read aloud to share their stories.
  2. Have the buddies help make a tea party invitation for the younger child's mum/dad or significant other. Then you can hold a special morning or afternoon tea party with mums or dads included, I'm sure they would be more than happy to help supply the goodies for the tea party.



Here is the template to make the card. The children can decorate the outside with whatever they like or suggestions from you.  I like to leave this open to allow for creativity and imagination. Inside they can write or you can print "Have a cup of tea on me."  In my class I would then sticky tape a tea bag to the inside cover.

My next book in my 'Bradberrie Brother's Alien AdventureBook3_Cover' series will be another great addition to add to your reading list before a tea party. in "Alien Milkshakes" not only are there plenty of laughs to entice the reluctant reader but plenty of interesting edible suggestions and moral dilemmas to discuss over a pot of tea.  "Alien Milkshakes" is coming soon.

Enjoy your tea party, have fun and make lots of memories with your kids.

What book would you read with your kids to encourage a themed tea party?

Do You Believe in Leprechauns?

When Don G. Ford offered me the opportunity to select one of his children's books to review it seemed obvious to me straight away which one I would select. My Best Friend is a Leprechaun I am a believer in inspiring the imagination of children, creating amazing tales of wonder and magic, which also means fostering the belief in fairies at the bottom of the garden, the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny and so on.

My own book series is based on the realm of possibility that aliens do happily exist amongst us, (even very small mischievous ones.)

Couple this with my intrigue for Irish folk lore and I was immediately drawn to Don's story "My Best Friend is a Leperechaun."

I found this book irresistible!

Don G. Ford begins this book with a prologue to expose the readers mind to the idea of the existance of mythical creatures. He even includes a short story about an Irish woman who believed she had truely met a Leprechaun. The prologue is quite informative and a great discussion starter, perfect for the late Primary School age group to debate the question of reality verses legend. Do you have to see something to believe it exists?

To the uninitiated, knowledge is an appreciated commodity, therefore also included before the story begins are the author's notes presenting valuable background information to Ireland, her folk lore and of cause Leprechauns. So any youngster reading the book for the first time, not knowing anything about Irish myths and legends are given critical information on the Irish belief of exactly what a Leprechaun actually is.

Finally the magic begins at the end of the rainbow, exactly where you would anticipate finding a Leprechaun. Immediate suspense enthrals the reader with the Leprechaun being in imminent danger. Twists and turns take the reader on a wonderful journey into the life of the Leprechauns teaching us several morals along the way before reaching an gripping climax.

The Leprechauns teach the main character, (Big John), valuable life lessons such as true kindness, the importance of friendship and family and that a sense of "home" can arise in the most unexpected of places. Home is after all, where the heart is and a sense of love and belonging can be the greatest treasure of them all.

"My Best Friend is a Leprechaun" is a delightful tale to read with classroom students or an easy independent reader for ages 8-10 year olds.

Available on Amazon at:


My Very First Blog Award (the Liebster Award)

liebster award

Many thamks to J. R. Barker for granting me the honour of  nomination for this award it is received with much appreciation.

"Liebsters Award is a way for blogs with less than 200 followers to connect with other bloggers, share a little more about you, and a way to help promote other small blogs"

How does this work? Here are the rules.

Post 11 random fact about yourself.

Answer 11 Questions from your Nominator.

Visit the other 1o blogs that were nominated with you.

Nominate 11 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers and ask them 11 questions - NO TAG BACKS!

Visit your Nominees and let them know they won the award.

Ring of Kerry

11 Random Facts about myself.

  1. I love to go bushwalking even though I have two left feet which inevitably cause all sorts of problems.
  2. I am constantly on the lookout for more native trees to plant on our property which will help encourage the native birds and animals to feel welcome.
  3. Fairies nest at the bottom of my garden, (ok they are fairy wrens) but it sounds good!
  4. I've hunted for the Loch Ness Monster and skipped stones across the Loch with my sons in true adventure style.
  5. Searched for Leprechauns under rocks and shrubs around the lakes of the "Ring of Kerry" in Ireland.
  6. Sipped champagne at the top of the Eiffel Tower like a true romatic heroine.

    Top of the Eiffel Tower

  7. Rode a camel at sunset along Cable Beach in Broome, Western Australia.
  8. Swum under a waterfall in an Outback waterhole.
  9. When I am not writing or reading I am creating stained glass windows.
  10. I adore sunsets, red wine, good comapny and a warm fire on a cold winter evening.
  11. When all is said and done, there's no place like home!

Cable Beach

Python pool Millstream National Park.

Questions to me.

  1. What is your favourite children's book? Diary of a Wombat by Jackie French. Simple, yet very cute and clever.
  2. Who's your favourite story tale villain? Professor Severus Snape. J.K. Rowling wrote a fantastic antagonist and Alan Rickman portrayed him superbly. You love to hate him and yet he has a lost soul you can't help but feel sorry for.
  3. Who's your favourite story tale hero? Who else? Harry Potter! Need I say more! Thanks to Jo Rowling so many more kids started reading again!
  4. What's your favourite fairy tale? Rumpelstiltskin (I just love saying that name and hearing kids try to read it), but then I love Snow White and all the seven dwarves. Far too many fairy tale choices.
  5. What's your favourite childhood memory? Family days out in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney. Where we had picnics, bushwalks, apple picking, BBQ's and toffee apples to munch on all the long drive home.
  6. Sweet or Savoury? Can't go past a bit of chocolate, but I lean more towards the savoury platter these days.
  7. What genre of books do you prefer?  I read an abundance of children's books both for my own writing and when I was a teacher as well as a general love of them, but really enjoy  historical fiction as they take me to places I get to learn about while I immerse myself in the lives of the characters.
  8. Watching sport or playing sport? Definately watching sport. When my youngest son played soccer I really got into being  one of those soccer mum's on the sidelines, (although I said I never would).
  9. Cats or dogs? Dogs, we've always had one of man's best friends in the family.
  10. Name one story book that you feel has touched your life or changed it in some way. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. From the minute I read these as a ten year old and entered through the wardrobe into a world full of fantasy and imagination I knew I too wanted to write.
  11. Name one act of kindness that you have witnessed. I had a flat tyre at the supermarket a while back. A very kind gentleman noticed the problem while I was busy loading the weeks groceries into the boot. He offered to change the tyre for me. In return I offered to buy him a coffee or even lunch to which he declined saying it was all part of his civic duty.

My Nominees.

(I am extremely knew to blogging so my list of other bloggers is quite small. My apolgies if a few of my nominees have gone slightly over the limit.)












My Questions to you.

  1. What has been your greatest adventure in life?
  2. Who is your favourite Action or Super Hero?
  3. What do you consider to be yout greatest strength?
  4. If you were a Super Hero what would your special power be?
  5. Tea or Coffee?
  6. Name your favourite binge food while reading or writing?
  7. What was your favourite subject at school?
  8. What is your all time favourite movie that you have watched over and over again?
  9. Which is better, the book or the movie?
  10. When do you prefer to read? In the afternoon sun or tucked up in bed late at night?
  11. Who has inspired you in your life?